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The People of nanopay: Kevin

Kevin: There’s a huge need for payment modernization across all verticals. And in sales, because I have a direct relationship with those clients, I get to see the benefit and the impact that this has on their business and that’s a really rewarding part of my job. What drew me to nanopay is that as a payments company, they’re actually tackling problems that affect everybody. Financial transactions are a fundamental part of how businesses and banks and people interact every day around the world and we’re not just building quick fixes on top of old technology. nanopay is actually building longterm solutions that while they address the challenges today, they’re also really forward-thinking when it comes to the future of money in digital cash. What does that mean as a sales or a partnerships person here? It means that when you’re talking to clients, whether they’re in small and medium-sized businesses, large corporations, other tech companies or banks, you really get to be on the front lines of that change.

Kevin: When it comes to partnerships and sales in FinTech, one of the challenges we face, which is also one of my favourite parts of the job, is the diversity of our clients. Payment technology affects clients from all different walks of life. And so while the solution that we’re able to deliver generally looks the same in that it’s cheaper or faster or more scalable or more secure and data-rich getting there, there’s no one size fits all. You need to be curious, you need to listen, and you really need to learn from your clients to not only figure out what’s important to them but also help uncover some of the pain points that maybe even they didn’t know they had. And that’ll help you deliver the best possible solution.

Kevin: Another challenge in FinTech is the technology that we’re disrupting is often very outdated. It’s been around for a long time and it’s really ingrained in the process. So, the partners you’re working with may or may not understand the technical details of how payments work. And if they don’t understand the technical details of payments, I don’t blame them at all. It’s our job to educate and advise them so that they know what the best solution for them is and also what’s happening in the future of payments.

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